What to do



    • Close the door to the room where the fire is and leave the apartment
    • Make sure every­one leaves the apart­ment with you
    • Take your keys
    • Close, but do not lock, the apart­ment door
    • Alert peo­ple on your floor by knock­ing on their doors on your way to the exit
    • Call 911 once you reach a safe loca­tion. Do not assume the fire has been report­ed unless fire­fight­ers are on the scene
    • Call the Porter at (917) 239‑2609 and Managing Agent at (212) 721‑0424
    • Meet the mem­bers of your house­hold at a pre-deter­mined loca­tion out­side the build­ing. Notify the fire­fight­ers if any­one is unac­count­ed for.
    • Avoid pan­ic — stay­ing calm can be life-saving


    • Feel your apart­ment door and door­knob for heat. If they are not hot, open the door slight­ly and check the hall­way for smoke, heat or fire
    • Exit the apart­ment and build­ing if you can safe­ly do so, fol­low­ing the instruc­tions above for a fire in your apartment
    • If the hall­way or stair­well is not safe because of smoke, heat, or fire and you have access to a fire escape, use it to exit the build­ing. Proceed cau­tious­ly on the fire escape and always car­ry or hold onto small children.
    • If you can­not use the stairs or the fire escape, call 911 and tell them your address, floor, apart­ment num­ber and the num­ber of peo­ple in your apartment.
    • Seal the doors to your apart­ment with wet tow­els or sheets, and seal air ducts or oth­er open­ings where smoke may enter.
    • Open win­dows a few inch­es at top and bot­tom unless flames and smoke are com­ing from below.
    • Do not break any windows.
    • If con­di­tions in the apart­ment appear life-threat­en­ing, open a win­dow and wave a tow­el or sheet to attract the atten­tion of firefighters.
    • If smoke con­di­tions wors­en before help arrives, get down on the floor and take short breaths through your nose. If pos­si­ble, retreat to a bal­cony or ter­race away from the source of the flames, heat or smoke.
    • Avoid pan­ic — stay­ing calm can be life-saving.

For fur­ther fire pro­tec­tion, we rec­om­mend that you install a small, “dry chem­i­cal” type fire extin­guish­er in your kitchen. They are inex­pen­sive and can be very handy when you least expect it.