House Rules


Noise and Playing of Music: Not to make dis­turb­ing nois­es or sounds that will inter­fere with the rights, com­forts or con­ve­nience of oth­er occu­pants of the Building. Not to oper­ate audio or oth­er such equip­ment in a man­ner as to dis­turb or annoy any oth­er occu­pant or occu­pants of the Building. Not to play any musi­cal instru­ment or con­duct vocal or instru­men­tal prac­tice between the hours of 10 p.m. and 9 a.m. or at any time if the same dis­turbs or annoys any oth­er occu­pant or occu­pants of the Building.
Other Noise: No work shall be done, except between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Saturdays, Sundays and hol­i­days exclud­ed. Any work which can pro­duce noise that might be dis­turb­ing to build­ing occu­pants, shall not be done before 10 a.m.
Smoking in Public Spaces: No one may smoke in the pub­lic halls, stair­ways, ele­va­tors, laun­dry rooms or oth­er Public Spaces of the Building

Sub-let­ting: A share­hold­er may only sub­let an apart­ment with the express approval in writ­ing from the Board of Directors or the Managing Agent, and pro­vid­ed the share­hold­er has been res­i­dent for at least one year. The max­i­mum peri­od of the sub­let shall be for one year. Applications to extend the sub­let for sub­se­quent peri­ods beyond the ini­tial one year shall be sub­ject to a re-appli­ca­tion process and fee. Any share­hold­er wish­ing to sub­let their unit shall pay the Cooperative a Sublet Fee. That fee shall be the equiv­a­lent of one month’s main­te­nance for the said unit for each peri­od of sublet.

Moving times and large deliv­er­ies: Moves in and out and large deliv­er­ies shall take place only on Mondays to Fridays, except pub­lic hol­i­days, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Home Owners Insurance: All Lessees must obtain com­pre­hen­sive Home Owners Insurance Liability Coverage for any and all apart­ments or shares they own. A copy of the cer­tifi­cate of Home own­ers Insurance Liability must be sub­mit­ted to the Board of the Lessor or des­ig­nat­ed Managing agent.

Trash and Garbage: No trash dis­pos­al should take place between the hours of 10 p.m. and 8 a.m. on week­days and between the hours of 10 p.m. and 9 a.m. on Saturdays, Sundays and pub­lic holidays.

Shareholders and res­i­dents are respon­si­ble for plac­ing garbage and non-recy­clable trash into the recep­ta­cles pro­vid­ed for garbage and non-recy­clable trash dis­pos­al, and should:

    • wrap dust, floor and pow­dered waste in com­pact pack­ages before disposal;
    • thor­ough­ly drain and wrap in paper all garbage before disposal;
    • refrain from forc­ing large bun­dles into the receptacles;
    • crush into tight bun­dles all loose papers and card­board box­es before disposal.


1. Creation and Purpose of House Rules
In addi­tion to its pro­pri­etary lease, 515 Edgecombe Avenue Corp. (here­inafter the Lessor) has adopt­ed the House Rules (as amend­ed by a res­o­lu­tion of the Board of Directors on 23rd May 2005) set forth here­inafter for the safe­ty, care, clean­li­ness and appear­ance of the Building and for the com­mon good of all lessees.
(a) The Lessee has covenant­ed by the pro­pri­etary lease to com­ply with the House Rules of the Lessor and to see that they are faith­ful­ly observed by the Lessee’s invi­tees, licensees, employ­ees, agents, con­trac­tors and sub­tenants and oth­ers as are per­mit­ted to co-reside in the Apartment with the Lessee here­un­der. Breach of a House Rule by any of these par­ties shall be a default under the Lease.
(b) The Lessor shall not be respon­si­ble or liable to the Lessee for the non-obser­vance or vio­la­tion of these House Rules by any oth­er lessee or person.
(c) The Board of Directors (here­inafter the Board) may set such fees as it deems rea­son­able and prop­er, and such fines as it deems rea­son­able and prop­er, to fur­ther the obser­vance of the House Rules.
(d) The Board may, from time to time, in its dis­cre­tion alter, amend or repeal any of these House Rules. Any such change shall take effect upon the Lessor’s giv­ing the Lessee writ­ten notice of the same.

2. Emergency Contact Information; Keys
The Lessee shall pro­vide the Lessor or Lessor’s Managing Agent (here­inafter the Managing Agent) with a tele­phone num­ber where the Lessee may be reached at home and at the Lessee’s place of busi­ness. The Lessee also shall pro­vide the Lessor or Managing Agent with an emer­gency con­tact name and tele­phone num­ber. The Lessor and its agents and their autho­rized work­men shall have right of entry into the Lessee’s apart­ment or any stor­age space assigned in accor­dance with para­graph (25) of the pro­pri­etary lease.

3. No Obstruction of Public Spaces and Passageways
(a) The Lessee shall not obstruct the front stoop and entrance, stair­ways, pub­lic halls, lob­bies, vestibules, entrances, side- and back­yards, side­walks, walk­ways, pas­sages, dri­ve­ways or oth­er pub­lic spaces in the Building (here­inafter referred as “Public Spaces”). The Public Spaces shall be used only for ingress to and egress from the apart­ments in the Building. No trash recep­ta­cles, bicy­cles, car­riages, shop­ping carts or sim­i­lar objects shall be placed or left unat­tend­ed in the Public Spaces. No Lessee, oth­er res­i­dent, or invi­tee shall sit on the front stoop of the Building.
(b) No per­son shall loi­ter in the Public Spaces, and no per­son shall play in them except in the des­ig­nat­ed areas and in accord with rules and reg­u­la­tions spec­i­fied in the House Rules or by the Board or the Managing Agent.
(c) No arti­cle shall be kept or stored in the Public Spaces except in des­ig­nat­ed stor­age areas, nor shall any­thing be hung or shak­en from the doors, win­dows, ter­races or bal­conies, or placed upon the exte­ri­or sills or ledges of the Buildings.

4. Roofs
No per­son shall be per­mit­ted access to roofs of the Building, except in the case of fire. The Lessor shall have the right to erect equip­ment on the roof, includ­ing radio and tele­vi­sion aeri­als and anten­nas, for its use and the use of the lessees in the Building and shall have the right of access to the Apartment for such instal­la­tions and for the repairs thereof.

5. Messengers and Trades people
All mes­sen­gers and trades peo­ple shall use such means of ingress and egress, and shall com­ply with such rules and reg­u­la­tions, as shall be pre­scribed by the Lessor, the Managing Agent or the Board.

6. Moves and Large Deliveries
Moves in or out and large deliv­er­ies shall take place only on such days and times, and in accord with such rules and reg­u­la­tions, as are pre­scribed by the Board or Managing Agent. The Lessor reserves the right, in addi­tion to oth­er reme­dies, to pre­vent or halt any deliv­ery or move which vio­lates said rules and regulations.

7. Trash and Garbage
The Lessee shall be respon­si­ble for plac­ing garbage and non-recy­clable trash into the recep­ta­cles pro­vid­ed for garbage and non-recy­clable trash dis­pos­al. Recyclable, haz­ardous and over­sized trash shall be sep­a­rat­ed by the Lessee and dis­posed of in such man­ner as the Board or Managing Agent may pre­scribe. The Lessee shall be respon­si­ble for plac­ing recy­clable trash into the recep­ta­cles pro­vid­ed for recy­clable trash disposal.
(a) The Lessee will faith­ful­ly observe the fol­low­ing pro­ce­dures with respect to the use of the recep­ta­cles for trash dis­pos­al: (i) wrap dust, floor and pow­dered waste in com­pact pack­ages before deposit­ing the same; (ii) thor­ough­ly drain and wrap in paper all garbage before deposit­ing the same; (iii) refrain from forc­ing large bun­dles into the recep­ta­cles; (iv) crush into tight bun­dles all loose papers before plac­ing the same in the recep­ta­cles; (v) large trash items should not be left in the vicin­i­ty of the trash recep­ta­cles but placed in the des­ig­nat­ed area in the back­yard; (vi) refrain from deposit­ing waste of an explo­sive or inflam­ma­ble nature there­in; (vii) no trash dis­pos­al should take place between the hours of 10 p.m. and 8 a.m. on week­days and between the hours of 10 p.m. and 9 a.m. on Saturdays, Sundays and pub­lic holidays.
(b) All lia­bil­i­ty, expens­es, costs and fees incurred by the Lessor in con­nec­tion with any dam­age or injury or in con­nec­tion with any vio­la­tion issued against Lessor or the Building, by rea­son of the Lessee’s fail­ure to abide by this House Rule, shall be the respon­si­bil­i­ty of the Lessee and payable to the Lessor on demand.

8. Falling or Thrown Objects and Refuse
The Lessee shall not allow any­thing what­ev­er to fall from the win­dows, doors, bal­conies or ter­races of the Apartment, nor shall the Lessee per­mit any dirt or oth­er sub­stance to be swept or thrown into any of the cor­ri­dors or halls, ele­va­tors or any oth­er Public Spaces in the Building. All lia­bil­i­ty, expens­es, costs and fees incurred by the Lessor in con­nec­tion with any dam­age or injury or in con­nec­tion with any vio­la­tion issued against Lessor or the Building, by rea­son of the Lessee’s fail­ure to abide by this House Rule, shall be the respon­si­bil­i­ty of the Lessee and payable to the Lessor on demand.

9. Awnings, Projections and Signs.
(a) No awnings, win­dow air con­di­tion­ing units, ven­ti­la­tors or any oth­er object shall be attached to the out­side walls of the Buildings, nor shall any such object be hung or allowed to project from win­dows or the exte­ri­or of the Buildings or the perime­ter of ter­races or bal­conies, with­out the pri­or writ­ten con­sent of the Lessor. Clotheslines are not per­mit­ted to be strung on ter­races or bal­conies or in Public Spaces.
(b) No sign, notice, illu­mi­na­tion or adver­tise­ment shall be exposed on or at any win­dow or oth­er part of the Building, or placed on or in any ter­race or bal­cony, with­out the pri­or writ­ten con­sent of the Lessor.
(c) No awnings, blinds, shades or screens shall be attached to, or hung in, or used in con­nec­tion with any door of the Apartment with­out the Lessor’s pri­or writ­ten consent.
(d) The Lessee shall not uti­lize any ter­race or bal­cony for stor­age of box­es, fur­ni­ture or oth­er items that in Lessor’s judg­ment are haz­ardous or cre­ate a haz­ardous con­di­tion or present an unsight­ly appear­ance to neigh­bors or passers-by.

10. TV Antenna
No radio or tele­vi­sion aer­i­al, anten­na, dish or cable shall be installed by the Lessee on the roof, ter­race, exte­ri­or win­dow sill or ledge, bal­cony or exte­ri­or walls of the Building.

11. Appliances
(a) The Lessee shall install all major appli­ances (such as stoves, refrig­er­a­tors, dish­wash­ers and air con­di­tion­ers) in accor­dance with all applic­a­ble pro­vi­sions of the lease, includ­ing the Lessor’s con­sent if and when required, and of law, and shall noti­fy the Managing Agent in advance of all such instal­la­tions. All work required to be done by a per­son licensed to per­form the work, such as plumb­ing and elec­tri­cal work, shall be per­formed only by duly licensed persons.
(b) The Lessor shall have the right to con­duct peri­od­ic audits of the Lessee’s appli­ances. At its dis­cre­tion, the Board may levy a charge with respect to appli­ances, and may levy that charge retroac­tive­ly on appli­ances lat­er dis­cov­ered to have been installed with­out the Lessee giv­ing the required noti­fi­ca­tion or with­out the Lessor’s con­sent if and when such con­sent is required.
(c) The Lessee shall be respon­si­ble for prompt­ly cor­rect­ing and ful­ly stop­ping any leak or drip com­ing from any appli­ance in the Lessee’s apart­ment, par­tic­u­lar­ly as the same applies to air conditioners.
(d) Lessee shall pay a cartage fee as set from time to time by the Board for the removal and dis­pos­al of bro­ken or unwant­ed large appli­ances such as refrig­er­a­tors, stoves and air-con­di­tion­ers and large items of fur­ni­ture. Neither the Lessee nor any­one in the Lessee’s house­hold or employ shall dis­pose of any appli­ance or oth­er prop­er­ty in the hall­ways, base­ment or oth­er Public Spaces, or store any such appli­ance in the Lessor’s stor­age rooms, unless and until writ­ten per­mis­sion is obtained from the Managing Agent and the Lessee pays the cartage fee to the Lessor.

12. Decorations in Hallways
No pub­lic hall­way of any Building, includ­ing the apart­ment door and oth­er doors open­ing into the pub­lic hall­way, may be dec­o­rat­ed, fur­nished or paint­ed by any Lessee with­out the con­sent of the Lessor and of all the lessees to whose apart­ments such hall­way serves as the means of ingress and egress. In the event of dis­agree­ment among such lessees, the Board shall decide and such deci­sion shall be conclusive.

13. Co-Residents and Sub-letting
A Lessee or joint Lessees are per­mit­ted to share their Apartment with an addi­tion­al res­i­dent or res­i­dents only to the extent express­ly per­mit­ted in this lease, and sub­ject to the Lessor’s max­i­mum occu­pan­cy require­ments as the same are deter­mined from time to time by the Board. At no time shall max­i­mum occu­pan­cy exceed stan­dards set by the hous­ing main­te­nance code or any oth­er gov­ern­ing authority.
(a) Authorized co-resident(s) may occu­py the Apartment as their res­i­dence, pro­vid­ed the Lessee or joint Lessees con­tin­ue to occu­py the Apartment, and pro­vid­ed the co-resident(s) occu­py the apart­ment con­cur­rent­ly with the Lessee(s). Otherwise, the arrange­ment shall con­sti­tute a sub­let, not a co-res­i­den­cy and must be applied for as a sub­let, sub­ject to the pro­vi­sions of para­graph (15) of the pro­pri­etary lease. Any co-res­i­dents must vacate the Apartment prompt­ly when the Lessee(s) cease to occu­py it, for any reason;
(b) A domes­tic or per­son­al employ­ee of the Lessee, such as a nurse or house­keep­er, may reside in the Apartment, pro­vid­ed that the Lessee is also in occu­pan­cy at the same time, unless the Lessor shall oth­er­wise approve in writing;
(c) Lessees who share their apart­ment with a co-res­i­dent or co-res­i­dents are ful­ly respon­si­ble for the con­duct of the co-resident(s) with­in the Apartment and the Building and for any vio­la­tions by said co-resident(s) of the lease or of poli­cies and rules adopt­ed by the Board;
(d) Within thir­ty (30) days after a co-res­i­dent begins to occu­py an apart­ment in the Building, or as soon there­after as the Lessor may request it, the Lessee shall pro­vide the Lessor with the co-res­i­den­t’s name and oth­er rea­son­able infor­ma­tion. A for­mal appli­ca­tion is required. The Lessor fur­ther reserves the right to require that both the co-res­i­dent and the Lessee(s) be inter­viewed by the Lessor’s res­i­dent selec­tion com­mit­tee, the Managing Agent and/or oth­er del­e­gate of the Board. A basic back­ground check will be con­duct­ed at the expense of the lessee, and the Lessor reserves the right to reject for cause any co-resident.
(e) A share­hold­er may only sub­let an apart­ment with the express approval in writ­ing from the Board of Directors or the Managing Agent, and pro­vid­ed the share­hold­er has been res­i­dent for at least one year. The max­i­mum peri­od of the sub­let shall be for one year. Applications to extend the sub­let for sub­se­quent peri­ods beyond the ini­tial one year shall be sub­ject to a re-appli­ca­tion process and fee. Any share­hold­er wish­ing to sub­let their unit shall pay the Cooperative a Sublet Fee. That fee shall be the equiv­a­lent of one month’s main­te­nance for the said unit for each peri­od of sub­let.2

14. Guests
The right of Lessee to have guests in the Apartment shall not include pay­ing guests (which con­sti­tutes a sub­let sub­ject to the pro­vi­sions of para­graph (15) of the pro­pri­etary lease) and shall not enti­tle Lessee to oper­ate a board­ing house, room­ing house or bed-and-break­fast or any sim­i­lar enter­prise in the Apartment.

15. Maximum Occupancy Standards
The Board may estab­lish and vary, from time to time, and the Lessee shall com­ply with, max­i­mum occu­pan­cy stan­dards for the apart­ments in the Building. At no time may they exceed the stan­dard set by the New York City hous­ing main­te­nance code or any oth­er gov­ern­ing authority.

16. Noise and Playing of Music; Smoking in Public Spaces
(a) No Lessee, oth­er res­i­dent, or invi­tee shall (i) make any dis­turb­ing nois­es or sounds that will inter­fere with the rights, com­forts or con­ve­nience of oth­er occu­pants of the Building; (ii) oper­ate audio or oth­er such equip­ment in a man­ner as to dis­turb or annoy any oth­er occu­pant or occu­pants of the Building; or (iii) play any musi­cal instru­ment or con­duct vocal or instru­men­tal prac­tice between the hours of 10 p.m. and 9 a.m. or at any time if the same dis­turbs or annoys any oth­er occu­pant or occu­pants of the Building. Vocal or instru­men­tal instruc­tion may not be giv­en at any time in the Apartment except as lessons to autho­rized res­i­dents of the Apartment, sub­ject to the fore­go­ing restrictions.
(b) No work shall be done, except between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Saturdays, Sundays and hol­i­days exclud­ed, pro­vid­ed, how­ev­er, that any work which can pro­duce noise that might be dis­turb­ing to build­ing occu­pants, shall not be done before 10 a.m.
(c) The Lessor may require the Lessee to pro­vide car­pet­ing or equal­ly effec­tive noise reduc­ing mate­r­i­al in the Apartment in accord with rules and reg­u­la­tions adopt­ed by the Board; pro­vid­ed that such require­ment shall be imposed on the Lessee only if the same require­ment is imposed on all lessees in the Building, or if the Lessor has deter­mined that the con­duct of the Lessee or his or her invi­tees, licensees or co-res­i­dents requires such carpeting.
(d) No one may smoke in the pub­lic halls, stair­ways, ele­va­tors, laun­dry rooms or oth­er Public Spaces of the Building

17. Work by Lessor’s Employees
No employ­ee of the Lessor shall per­form any pri­vate work or ser­vices for the Lessee, or the Permitted Occupants, or the Lessee’s employ­ees, invi­tees or con­trac­tors unless the Lessor has autho­rized its employ­ees to per­form such work and only at such times and in accord with such reg­u­la­tions as the Lessor may pre­scribe from time to time. The Lessor shall have no respon­si­bil­i­ty or lia­bil­i­ty what­so­ev­er with respect to any pri­vate work or ser­vices per­formed by its employ­ees regard­less of whether or not such work was authorized.

18. Home improvement
To ensure the over­all pro­tec­tion of the phys­i­cal and struc­tur­al integri­ty of the build­ing, and as a cour­tesy to all share­hold­ers, all con­struc­tion or alter­ations under­tak­en in an apart­ment (with the excep­tion of dec­o­ra­tive work) must be approved in writ­ing by the Board or the Managing Agent pri­or to the com­mence­ment of such work. Approval by the Board will require the Lessee to ful­ly com­ply with the fol­low­ing conditions:
(a) The Lessee must pro­vide a copy of the writ­ten estimate/contract with the ven­dor. The con­tract must include the ven­dor’s full name, address, license num­ber, insur­ance cer­tifi­cate, can­cel­la­tion clause, a clause stat­ing that the ven­dor will secure any nec­es­sary per­mits, and a Workers Compensation clause. Target com­ple­tion dates should be includ­ed and the list­ing of work-relat­ed items should be clear and as detailed as possible.
(b) Any ren­o­va­tions or alter­ations of an apart­ment involv­ing the floors or walls and ceil­ings will require that the Lessee seal and sound­proof those areas adja­cent to the apart­ment below, above, or adjoin­ing to the apart­ment that is being renovated.
(c) Disposal of demo­li­tion debris, con­struc­tion mate­ri­als, and any refuse asso­ci­at­ed to and aris­ing from the said con­struc­tion, ren­o­va­tion or alter­ation is the respon­si­bil­i­ty of the Lessee and their con­trac­tor. The dis­pos­al of such mate­ri­als must be per­formed in com­pli­ance with New York City dust and debris man­age­ment and lead laws, and under­tak­en out­side of the building’s refuse removal sys­tem. The Lessee and their con­trac­tor must ensure that all pub­lic spaces of the build­ing are clean of debris, dust, con­struc­tion tools, mate­ri­als and/or equip­ment at the end of each work day.
(d) The Lessee must report all prob­lems aris­ing from the defined con­struc­tion work to the con­trac­tor in writ­ing (Certified Mail pre­ferred) with pho­to­copies giv­en to the Board of the Lessor and/or its des­ig­nat­ed Managing Agent.

19. Water Closets
Water clos­ets and oth­er water appa­ra­tus in the Apartment shall not be used for any pur­pos­es oth­er than those for which they were con­struct­ed, nor shall any sweep­ings, rub­bish, rags or any oth­er arti­cle be thrown into the water clos­ets. The cost of repair­ing any dam­age result­ing from mis­use of any water clos­ets or oth­er appa­ra­tus shall be paid for by the Lessee in whose Apartment it shall have been caused.

20. Broken Windows
The Lessee shall be respon­si­ble for replac­ing bro­ken win­dows unless the Lessor deter­mines that the break­age was caused by the neg­li­gence or wil­ful mis­con­duct of the Lessor’s employees.

21. Clean Windows; Displays
The Lessee shall keep the win­dows of the Apartment clean. In case of refusal or neglect of the Lessee dur­ing ten (10) days after notice in writ­ing from the Lessor or the Managing Agent to clean the win­dows, such clean­ing may be done by the Lessor, which shall have the right, by its offi­cers or autho­rized agents, to enter the Apartment for the pur­pose and to charge the costs of such clean­ing to the Lessee. Window dis­plays shall be sub­ject to the Lessor’s reg­u­la­tions regard­ing hours, light­ing and the like.

22. Vermin
The Lessor or its des­ig­nat­ed agents, and any con­trac­tor or work­er autho­rized by the Lessor, may enter any Apartment at any rea­son­able hour of the day for the pur­pose of inspect­ing such Apartment to ascer­tain whether mea­sures are nec­es­sary or desir­able to con­trol or exter­mi­nate any ver­min, insect or oth­er pests and for the pur­pose of tak­ing such mea­sures as may be nec­es­sary to con­trol or exter­mi­nate any such ver­min, insects or oth­er pests. If the con­di­tion requir­ing such con­trol or exter­mi­na­tion was caused by the Lessee, then the costs there­of shall be payable by the Lessee to the Lessor on demand.

23. Dogs and Other Animals
The Lessee agrees to com­ply with the pro­vi­sions here­of on the har­bor­ing of dogs or oth­er ani­mals or pets. No bird or ani­mal shall be kept or har­bored in the build­ing unless the same in each instance has been express­ly per­mit­ted in writ­ing by the Lessor, Managing Agent or Board. Such per­mis­sion shall be revo­ca­ble by the Lessor. The Lessee here­by fur­ther agrees that these pro­vi­sions on the har­bor­ing of dogs or oth­er ani­mals or pets in this lease shall be deemed a sub­stan­tial oblig­a­tion of the Lessee’s tenancy.
(a) Dogs must be licensed by the New York City Department of Health. Cats must be spayed or neutered and must have received all required vac­ci­na­tions and immu­niza­tions. Pet own­ers are required to pro­vide the Lessor with doc­u­men­ta­tion of com­pli­ance with the require­ments of this house rule. In no event shall dogs be per­mit­ted in any pub­lic space of the build­ing unless car­ried or on leash.
(b) The Lessee shall be respon­si­ble for elim­i­nat­ing any odor from the har­bor­ing of dogs or oth­er ani­mals or pets. The Lessee shall prompt­ly clean up any soil­ing of Public Spaces by their dogs or oth­er pets, and will be respon­si­ble for any dam­age caused by the same.
(c) No pigeons or oth­er birds or ani­mals shall be fed from the win­dow sills, ter­races, bal­conies or in the yard, court or Public Spaces of the build­ing, or on the side­walks or streets adja­cent to the building.

24. Plantings
The Lessee shall not install any plant­i­ngs on the roofs of the Building, fire escapes, ter­race or bal­cony with­out the pri­or writ­ten approval of the Lessor or, if the Lessor has issued rules regard­ing such plant­i­ngs, the Lessee shall not install any plant­i­ngs with­out com­ply­ing with the rules. The Lessee shall be respon­si­ble for all dam­age or injury caused by any such plant­i­ngs. All lia­bil­i­ty, expens­es, costs and fees incurred by the Lessor in con­nec­tion with any dam­age or injury or in con­nec­tion with any vio­la­tion issued against Lessor or the Building, by rea­son of the Lessee’s fail­ure to abide by this House Rule, shall be the respon­si­bil­i­ty of the Lessee and payable to the Lessor on demand.

25. Clean up
Neither the Lessee, nor any per­son resid­ing in the Apartment nor any employ­ee, guest or invi­tee of the Lessee or of any per­son resid­ing in Apartment shall inten­tion­al­ly spill, drop, scat­ter, place or leave dirt, debris or oth­er unsight­ly or objec­tion­able liq­uids or mate­ri­als in any por­tion of the Public Spaces of the Building. Lessee shall prompt­ly clean up all such dirt, debris or unsight­ly or objec­tion­able mate­ri­als or liq­uids inten­tion­al­ly or acci­den­tal­ly spilled, dropped, scat­tered, placed or left in any por­tion of the Public Spaces of the Building by the Lessee or by any per­son resid­ing in the Apartment or any employ­ee, guest or invi­tee of the Lessee or of any per­son resid­ing in the Apartment.

26. Storage3
If and to the extent that stor­age space is pro­vid­ed to Lessees in the base­ments at the Lessee’s risk, such stor­age shall be sub­ject to rules and reg­u­la­tions adopt­ed by the Board, and may be cur­tailed or with­drawn at any time by the Board with­out in any man­ner affect­ing the Lessee’s oblig­a­tions. The Lessor shall have the right from time to time to cur­tail or relo­cate any space devot­ed to stor­age pur­pos­es. Storing haz­ardous or flam­ma­ble mate­r­i­al, such as paint, in a stor­age bin is not permitted.

27. Laundry Rooms4
If and to the extent that laun­dry rooms are made avail­able to Lessees, the laun­dry rooms shall be used only dur­ing hours des­ig­nat­ed by the Lessor. Use of the laun­dry facil­i­ties shall be lim­it­ed to res­i­dents of the Building and their house­hold employ­ees. Use of the laun­dry rooms shall be sub­ject to rules and reg­u­la­tions adopt­ed by the Board, and may be cur­tailed or with­drawn with­out in any man­ner affect­ing the Lessee’s obligations.

28. Parking5
If and to the extent park­ing in or at the Building is made avail­able to Lessees, the same shall be in accor­dance with rules and reg­u­la­tions adopt­ed by the Board. Violation of any such rule or reg­u­la­tion, or breach of any park­ing agree­ment by the Lessee, shall con­sti­tute a default under the lease. Violation of any pro­vi­sion under the lease shall con­sti­tute a default under the park­ing agree­ment. No vehi­cle belong­ing to the Lessee or to the Lessee’s invi­tees, licensees, employ­ees, con­trac­tors, sub­tenants and co-res­i­dents shall be parked any­where in the Building except in the des­ig­nat­ed park­ing areas, nor shall any such vehi­cles be parked in such man­ner as to impede or pre­vent ready access to any entrance of the Buildings by anoth­er vehi­cle or by pedestrians.

29. Community Rooms6
If and to the extent Community Rooms are made avail­able to Lessees in the Building, the same may be used by the Lessor, Lessees, oth­er res­i­dents, and their invi­tees for meet­ings and social gath­er­ings in accor­dance with rules and reg­u­la­tions and any fees estab­lished by the Lessor. Such use may be cur­tailed or with­drawn with­out in any man­ner affect­ing the Lessee’s obligations.

30. Open Houses, Group Tours, Exhibitions
No open house, group tour, exhi­bi­tion of any Apartment or its con­tents shall be con­duct­ed by Lessees or agent(s) act­ing on their behalf, nor shall any auc­tion sale be held in any Apartment or in Public Spaces, with­out the con­sent of the Lessor, Board or Managing Agent.
(a) On the day of an open house the Lessee(s) or their agents shall ensure that: (i) a typed or print­ed notice must be promi­nent­ly dis­played on the exte­ri­or door of the front entrance to the Building, clear­ly indi­cat­ing the hours dur­ing which the open house will take place, the Apartment num­ber and cor­re­spond­ing buzzer num­ber; (ii) the exte­ri­or and inte­ri­or doors of the front entrance to the Building are not left open and unlocked dur­ing the peri­od of the open house; (iii) upon con­clu­sion of the open house all sig­nage, equip­ment, trash and oth­er debris shall be removed and the area(s) restored to the orig­i­nal con­di­tion imme­di­ate­ly before the com­mence­ment of prepa­ra­tions for the open house.
(b) Prospective buy­ers wish­ing to enter the Building must either be met at the front entrance by the Lessee(s) or their agent(s) or grant­ed entry by the remote door secu­ri­ty sys­tem from the Apartment.
(c) The Lessee(s) and their agent(s) are respon­si­ble for ensur­ing that all appro­pri­ate locks and doors in the Building are secured upon exit.

31. Conservation
The Lessee shall use best efforts to con­serve con­sump­tion of water, elec­tric­i­ty and gas in order to keep com­mon costs down. The Lessee shall prompt­ly report to the Lessor’s Managing Agent, or to emer­gency main­te­nance staff on week­ends, any leak­ing faucets, run­ning toi­lets or oth­er prob­lems relat­ing to water, gas and elec­tric­i­ty, so that repairs can be made with dispatch.

32. Complaints and Management Issues
Complaints and queries regard­ing the man­age­ment and main­te­nance of the Building shall be made in writ­ing to the Managing Agent. In case of emer­gen­cies, the Superintendent should be con­tact­ed in the first instance by telephone.

33. Home Owners Insurance
All Lessees must obtain com­pre­hen­sive Home Owners Insurance Liability Coverage for any and all apart­ments or shares they own. A copy of the cer­tifi­cate of Home own­ers Insurance Liability must be sub­mit­ted to the Board of the Lessor or des­ig­nat­ed Managing agent.

34. Revocable Consent
Any con­sent or approval giv­en under the House Rules by the Lessor shall be revo­ca­ble at any time.

35. Amendment of and Addition to the House Rules
These House Rules may be added to, amend­ed or repealed at any time by res­o­lu­tion of the Board of the Lessor, and such addi­tion, amend­ment or repeal shall become effec­tive upon writ­ten notice there­of to the lessees of the Building.


  1. Adopted by res­o­lu­tion of the Board of Directors on May 23rd, 2005. 

  2. Adopted by a res­o­lu­tion of the Board on 12 September 2005. 

  3. Storage lock­ers are man­aged by J&M Realty 

  4. None cur­rent­ly pro­vid­ed. 

  5. None cur­rent­ly pro­vid­ed. 

  6. None cur­rent­ly pro­vid­ed.