
All res­i­dents of 515 Edgecombe Avenue coop­er­a­tive are required by law to recy­cle their waste in accor­dance with New York City Guidelines.

These guide­lines have been post­ed on the main notice board in the build­ing’s Lobby. Appropriate recy­cling bins are avail­able in the des­ig­nat­ed area on the build­ing premises.

Every build­ing in New York City is required by law to recy­cle. The Solid Waste Management Act of 1988 requires com­pre­hen­sive recy­cling in New York State. New York City ben­e­fits not only envi­ron­men­tal­ly, but also eco­nom­i­cal­ly from recy­cling. New Yorkers must not lose the ben­e­fits of recy­cling by let­ting up on pru­dent waste man­age­ment practices.

The infor­ma­tion below pro­vides guide­lines on what and how to recy­cle:


Paper, pack­ag­ing, and food waste make up the largest sec­tions of New York City’s trash and recy­clables. Learn how to reduce paper waste and pack­ag­ing waste (such as bags, drink cups, and oth­er pack­ag­ing); elim­i­nate unwant­ed mail; and turn your kitchen waste into compost.

Another way to reduce waste is to make sure that the prod­ucts that you bring into your home are durable or long last­ing. You should also bring reusable con­tain­ers (such as bags and mugs) with you, while shopping.

Minimizing the num­ber of poten­tial­ly harm­ful prod­ucts you use in your home is also important.


Find a new home for your unwant­ed items. Donate or sell items in good con­di­tion to thrift stores, non-prof­it orga­ni­za­tions in need, con­sign­ment shops, or through online reuse and mate­ri­als exchanges.

You can also send items back to the man­u­fac­tur­er or retail­er for resale, refur­bish­ing, or recy­cling. Some prod­uct take-back pro­grams incen­tivize the return of items by offer­ing coupons, cred­it, or discounts.


Every build­ing in New York City is required by law to recy­cle. The NYC Department of Sanitation  col­lects recy­clables at the curb from res­i­dents, city agen­cies, and insti­tu­tions through­out the five bor­oughs. Consider enhanc­ing your par­tic­i­pa­tion in the City’s recy­cling pro­gram by choos­ing to pur­chase items and pack­ag­ing that can be recycled.

Buying prod­ucts that are made from recy­cled mate­ri­als also bol­sters mar­kets for the items that you place at the curb for recycling.