Some useful links

Morris-Jumel Mansion
Check out their events here

Morris-Jumel Community Garden
The Morris Jumel Community Garden is open for vis­i­tors on Saturdays and Sundays between 12:00 ‑5:00pm.

You may bring your com­postable food items there. The Collection Bin is the left/east bin next to the leaf bin. Please cov­er your dona­tions with leaves.

Highbridge Park
Across the street from our apart­ment build­ing, and stretch­ing all the way up to Dyckman Street

Washington Heights Library
On St. Nicholas Ave near 160th Street

Shaun Abreu
(Our local city councilman)

Word Up Book Store
Word Up is a vol­un­teer-run, mul­ti­lin­gual, gen­er­al-inter­est, non­prof­it com­mu­ni­ty book­shop and arts space in Uptown NYC.
On Amsterdam near 164th Street

Harlem Hop Stop
Tour com­pa­ny that posts the next week’s worth of local cul­tur­al events on its calendar

Harlem Park to Park
HP2P is a social enter­prise rep­re­sent­ing 100+ entre­pre­neurs com­mit­ted to cul­tur­al preser­va­tion, small busi­ness and eco­nom­ic devel­op­ment in Central Harlem – NYC’s pre­miere cul­tur­al, din­ing, shop­ping, lifestyle and nightlife hub north of 110th Street.

United Palace
Old-school the­ater on Broadway near 175th Street that offers films, class­es and concerts.

Studio Museum in Harlem
Located at 144 West 125th Street, the Studio Museum was found­ed in 1968 by a diverse group of artists, com­mu­ni­ty activists and phil­an­thropists who envi­sioned a new kind of muse­um that not only dis­plays art­work but also sup­ports artists and arts education.