Curbside Composting is back!

Starting October 6, 2024, the New York City Department of Sanitation (DSNY) will expand its Curbside Composting pro­gram to include all res­i­dents in Bronx, Manhattan and Staten Island! This ser­vice will allow you to dis­pose of your food scraps, yard waste, and food-soiled paper direct­ly at the curb on your des­ig­nat­ed recy­cling day.

  • Trash Pickup: Monday, Wednesday and Friday
  • Large Items Pickup: Monday and Friday
  • Recycling Pickup: Wednesday

What is Curbside Composting? Curbside Composting is a year-round, week­ly ser­vice pro­vid­ed by DSNY that col­lects com­postable mate­ri­als, which are then turned into nutri­ent-rich soil. This pro­gram is a sig­nif­i­cant step toward reduc­ing land­fill waste and sup­port­ing our environment.

How to Participate:
Collection Day: Compost will be picked up on your reg­u­lar recy­cling day. Please ensure that your com­post­ing mate­ri­als are placed in the des­ig­nat­ed bins.
Composting Bins: DSNY will pro­vide the nec­es­sary com­post­ing bins for all ten­ants. Bins will be 55 gal­lons or less, with secure lids. Please, when deposit­ing good scraps and oth­er com­posta­bles, make sure the bin’s latch is secured to dis­cour­age vermin.
Accepted Materials: The pro­gram accepts all leaf and yard waste, food scraps, and food-soiled paper, includ­ing meat, dairy, and pre­pared foods, paper plates, and piz­za boxes.
Not Accepted: Please do not include trash, recy­clable mate­ri­als, or non-com­postable items such as dia­pers, per­son­al hygiene prod­ucts, ani­mal waste, wrap­pers, non-paper pack­ag­ing, and foam products.
Fines for Failure to Separate Compostables Correctly: There is a brief grace peri­od as every­one gets used to the restored curb­side com­postable ser­vice. In ear­ly 2025, build­ings that fail to sep­a­rate com­posta­bles cor­rect­ly will be fined as fol­lows: $100 for first offens­es, $200 for sec­ond offens­es, and $400 for sub­se­quent offens­es in a six-month peri­od. These fines can add up, so please get used to sep­a­rat­ing out your compostables!

Get Informed: Join one of the vir­tu­al info ses­sions to learn more about the Curbside Composting pro­gram. These ses­sions are open to every­one are held on Thursdays through­out August and September.

For detailed ses­sion times and to watch record­ed ses­sions, please vis­it the DSNY web­site.

Reminder: Please pre­pare your com­post­ing mate­ri­als the night before your des­ig­nat­ed recy­cling day to ensure time­ly pick­up. Additionally, please ensure that the lids are shut cor­rect­ly to pre­vent pests and