Fire safety

Dear Neighbors,

If you fol­low local news, you will have heard about the cat­a­stroph­ic fire at 775 Riverside Drive on 8th January, which injured over a dozen peo­ple and dis­placed the own­ers and res­i­dents of 131 units in the build­ing. The full extent of the dam­age to the build­ing is still under evaluation.

Fire mar­shals believe that the fire began with an over­heat­ing toast­er and quick­ly over­took the build­ing by trav­el­ing through a dumb­wait­er shaft and up under the build­ing’s roof. What began as a small kitchen acci­dent quick­ly turned into a catastrophe.

This tragedy serves as a reminder to all of us about fire safety–the safe oper­a­tion of elec­tri­cal appli­ances and equip­ment, nev­er leav­ing open flames unat­tend­ed, keep­ing well-main­tained fire extin­guish­ers in our apart­ments, and assur­ing that smoke and car­bon monox­ide detec­tors are work­ing through­out the build­ing. It is also imper­a­tive that fire escapes remain com­plete­ly unim­ped­ed, so noth­ing of any sort should ever be stored on fire escapes. We are all depen­dent upon one anoth­er for dili­gence in pre­vent­ing a fire in our build­ing and in edu­cat­ing our­selves about what to do should a fire break out. Please be diligent!

The FDNY has a help­ful web­site with a lot of infor­ma­tion about fire safe­ty. You can find it here.

Ban on disposal of electronic equipment

Effective 2015, elec­tron­ic equip­ment can­not be dis­card­ed in trash or recy­cling for DSNY col­lec­tion. Residents can recy­cle work­ing and non-work­ing elec­tron­ics through drop-off, trade-in, or mail-back pro­grams (drop-off pro­grams include Goodwill, Salvation Army, Best Buy, Staples, or the Gowanus E‑Waste Warehouse). Electronics can also be brought to upcom­ing SAFE Disposal events.

Electronics cov­ered under this ban include:

    • cable and satel­lite boxes
    • com­put­ers
    • fax machines
    • key­boards
    • lap­tops
    • mice
    • mon­i­tors
    • mp3 play­ers
    • printers/scanners
    • small servers
    • tablets
    • TVs
    • VCRS/DVRS/DVD play­ers
    • video game consoles

The fine to the build­ing for non-com­pli­ance: $100